Tuesday, November 16, 2010

hal's medical story

It was a rough weekend. I was in alot of pain and it was difficult to deal with. I did, however spend some of the weekend thinking about my situation and how I got where I am today. I also thought about all those wonderful people I met while sitting in front of Jefferson Hospital with that sign in front of me. During the months of June, July and August, I was fortunate to meet some terrific people who stopped to talk to me and listen to my story. Many people accepted the doctors office notes from May 4,2006 and after reading them where completely disgusted. They asked me how any doctor could stitch up a patient after observing spinal fluid leaking from their head. Unfortunately, it's a question I've been asking myself for four and a half years. Some answers came this summer when I was sitting in front of Jefferson Hospital. Along with the wonderful people I did meet, I also met the dark side of this whole tragedy. With few exceptions, the Jefferson Hospital employees, including doctors, nurses and clerical staff where ignorant and threatening. On two occasions, the security personnel attempted to arrest me while I was sitting in my chair. On both occasions, I called the Phila Police Dept and they responded by telling Jefferson security to leave me alone and that I had every right to be there. On one Saturday afternoon, Dr Andrews confronted me on the corner of Ninth and Walnut. He questioned why I was there and why I kept coming down to the hospital. He was upset that I was handing out his office notes from May 4, 2006.When I asked him how he could stitch a patient up and send him home after knowing spinal fluid had been leaking for 2 weeks and witnessing this in his office, he responded by saying that any problems I have are not a result of anything he did. He yelled at me for what I was doing and than left. On several other occasions, employees spit on the sign while walking by.

I also had the unfortunate opportunity to speak with Dr. Rosenwasser who is the chiarman of the neurosciences dept. I informed him of all the horrific things that occured to me during the spring and summer of 2006. I asked him if he had seen Dr. Andrew's office notes from May 4, 2006. He said that he read them and that he couldn't find fault in anything he did. When I asked Dr.Rosenwasser if he would treat his own mother the way I was treated he didn't respond. I also spoke to Thomas Lewis who is the CEO of Jefferson Hospital. His response was the same. They all support what this doctor did to me.

He Stitched Me Up In His Office While Viewing Spinal Fluid Running Down My Neck and Knowing It Had Been Leaking For Two Weeks. He Stitched Me Up And Sent Me Home To Die. What Else Did He Think Would Happen. Less Than 40 Hours later That is What Nearly Happened. The Medical Reports Speak For Themselves. Treated For Bacterial Meningitis That Should Have Killed Me If Not For My Wife's Quick Action At Home.

So instead of dying on May 6, 2006, I have been left with permanent brain damage and severe disabeling injuries that leave me unable to work or do the things that I used to do. I've lost nearly 40 pounds in the last five months. My body shakes uncontrollably at times and I am on narcotic pain medication that hardly seems worth it.

A more depressing part is that the hospital has a Patients Bill Of Rights. If you go on there website you will see the hypocrisy that has become my story. I would ask anyone who reads this to call, Email and write the CEO Thomas Lewis or Lorraine King, the president of the medical staff and ask them how they can justify the near murder of one of their patients.

1 comment:

  1. Medical malpractice. Honey u have a big lawsuit
