Saturday, November 27, 2010

November 24th Visit to Jefferson

I went down to Jefferson in my usual spot from 8:30 to 12:30 on Wednesday morning. I passed out about 40 copies of my doctor's notes with this blog address. A few people took pictures of me with my sign.  Every night I monitor the stats to check up on how many people view this each day. There have been 500 people so far. It seems there are more views when I am able to go down to Jefferson and pass out my doctor's notes. At this point, I am not sure how much I can go down to Jefferson anymore as I am in the hospital right now. This blog is my only hope at this point. Someone will pass this on to the right person. If there is anyone with any connections to the media that would be a great help. Please help me pass this along. Jefferson will hopefully soon get this blog.

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