Saturday, December 4, 2010

A week not to remember

I,m sorry for not keeping in touch with all of those wonderful people following this blog however, I was in Abington Hospital from November 26 until December 3. I experienced severe head pain and uncontrollable shaking on Friday morning following Thanksgiving and, I had my younger daughter take me to the hospital. I spent the week on several different IV drug trials trying to control the pain. Since the doctors don't really know what is causing the severe pain there method of treatment up to now is to try several medications for migraines for a period of time to see if it brings me any relief. I feel like a lab rat at times on all these different drugs but, I know that there is no other alternitive. Jayne and my girls are keepimg my spirits up and the fact that I can communicate this story to all of my friends old and new is a huge relief. I am in the process of applying for long term SSI benefits but expect that it will take 4 to 6 months. The hardest thing to deal with besides the medical problems is that I have to give up a business that for 23 years has been our whole life. There is much uncertainty going forward but, I will not give up until Jefferson Hospital deals with the situation they've put my family in. Thanks again for all the support, it helps more than you know.

1 comment:

  1. Hal, What a terrible tragedy. My heart goes out to you and your family. I will pray for you and your family. Please remember that this so called Dr and all those at Jeff who support him will have to answer for their actions.
    God bless you.
