Sunday, April 3, 2011

A New Year

It may be a new year but old habits never seem to die. At a recent visit to the hospital at 9th and Walnut, I received another verbal threat from a member of  the security staff of Jefferson Hospital. I no sooner placed my chair on the sidewalk outside the hospital when a security staff member told me to move to the other side of the street or I would be removed by their personnel. I told this officer that if any attempt was made to remove me or assault me in any way that I would immediately call the Philadelphia Police as I did during the summer of 2010.
The vast majority of employees at the Neurosciences building are doing their very best to keep me from getting the truth out about what happened to me in 2006. The professional staff which includes the doctors and many nurses have publicly supported the actions of Dr. Andrews despite the real facts in this case. The facts are my own medical records and they are not in dispute. No representitives of the hospital have ever denied that the records I now hold are the true hospital records that they have in their possession, from the CEO, Thomas Lewis to Dr. Rosenwasser, Chair Department of Neurologic Surgery. This is why they have continued their attempts to discredit me and remove me from the sidewalk outside their building. They have resorted to threats and  intimidation even after being warned by the police. They realize that I'm using my own medical records from their hospital to tell my story. And the story is ugly!


  1. Hal,

    I actually found my way to this blog through the Abington HS site on Facebook. I was a year behind you at AH (Had a bit of a crush on you ;hope you don't remember that), and am a FB friend of Cheryl Johnson. Your story is horrifying, and unfortunately, not as uncommon as some think. I applaud your courage in telling your story. I'm sure it is difficult to share personal details with so many, as well as go up against a mega system like Jefferson.
    I am a nurse and work in the Main Line Health System. Neuro is not my specialty, but if there is ever any assistance I could lend, I would be so happy to do that. Best wishes to you and your family as you work through this.

    Michele Davis Logan

  2. I used to work at Jefferson. They have an "old boys club" mentality and you can't win, even though you want to make a statement, purely on principle. Jefferson is known for its lies and cover-ups, central lines and HAIs (hospital-associated infections) notwithstanding. It happened to me in my job and to countless others. But "they" will get "theirs." I'm presently working on it.

  3. Hey, Hal. I read your blog for the first time today and I don't know if you still check on it but I wanted you to know you're a stronger person than I ever could be and I really like that you are trying to expose Jefferson. My dad suffered from debilitating migraines and my mom took him to Jefferson and they did not help. We tried to get him into the headache clinic but they refused. Reading your story brought back memories of my dad's suffering that was just months ago until he got on stable medication. I really hope you feel better and the next time I'm in Philadelphia I'm going to check 9th and Walnut and see if you're there. God bless you and your family and stay strong.
