Saturday, March 26, 2011

Beef and Beer Benefit

Friday night March 25, 2011 will be an evening that Jayne and I will never forget. We have shared many memorable moments together in the past 34 years but not all have been wonderful. However, this evening brought tears to both of us not only because of all the hard work by our wonderful friends but the show of support by so many people, some of whom we didn't even know. So many people donated gift baskets, money, their own time and supplies for the event. And this was all done with one goal in mind: to help a husband and wife that have struggled with some difficult medical problems over the past 5 years. As I said last evening, Jayne and I are a very private couple who have never shared our problems with other people nor have we spoken of the difficult times we have experienced in the past. It is all the more amazing to know that some of those people that worked tirelessly to make this event possible have themselves been through enormously difficult times in the past. The generosity offered in both time, effort and donations is greatly appreciated by my family and we will forever be grateful.

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